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Welcome to Surgeryon
Your Destination for Comprehensive Fistula Treatment in Mumbai

Are you suffering from the discomfort and pain caused by Fistula? Look no further than Surgeryon, where we offer advanced treatment options performed by experienced surgeons to provide you with effective and lasting relief from Fistula. Our state-of-the-art facilities, skilled doctors, and patient-centric approach ensure that you receive the best care possible.

What is Fistula?

Fistula is an abnormal connection or passageway that develops between two organs or body cavities that are not normally connected. In the context of medical conditions, an anal fistula is a small tunnel that develops between the skin of the anus or rectum and the outside skin around the anus.

An anal fistula typically develops as a result of an infection in the anal glands, which are small glands located just inside the anus. The infection can cause an abscess to form, which can then break through the skin and create a tunnel, or fistula, that connects the abscess to the skin around the anus.

What causes Fistula?

An untreated or inadequately treated anal abscess

An anal abscess is a collection of pus that develops in the tissue around the anus, usually caused by a bacterial infection. If an anal abscess is not treated or if it is inadequately treated, it can lead to the development of a fistula.

Crohn's disease:

Crohn's disease is an inflammatory bowel disease that can affect any part of the digestive tract, including the anus and rectum. In some cases, the inflammation can lead to the formation of an anal fistula.

Radiation therapy:

Radiation therapy, used to treat certain types of cancer, can cause tissue damage and scarring that can lead to the formation of a fistula.


Trauma to the anal area, such as from childbirth, anal sex, or other injury, can lead to the development of a fistula.

Chronic constipation:

Chronic constipation can lead to the development of an anal fissure, which can in turn lead to the formation of a fistula.



Pain or discomfort

Swelling around the anus

Itching or irritation

Fever or chills

Skin Maceration

Why To Choose Surgeryon for Fistula Treatment?

Experienced Surgeons

At Surgeryon, our team of experienced surgeons are well-trained in diagnosing and treating Fistula. They have extensive expertise in managing complex cases and are skilled in the latest surgical techniques, including minimally invasive approaches, to provide you with optimal outcomes.

Advanced Treatment Options

We offer a range of advanced treatment options for Fistula, including minimally invasive techniques such as Fistulotomy, Fistulectomy, and VAAFT (Video-Assisted Anal Fistula Treatment), among others. These advanced techniques ensure that you experience less pain, minimal scarring, and faster recovery compared to traditional surgical methods.

State-of-the-Art Facilities

Surgeryon is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, including advanced surgical instruments and equipment, to ensure that you receive the highest standard of care for your Fistula treatment. Our modern facilities are designed to provide a comfortable and safe environment for your treatment journey.

Patient-Centric Approach

We understand that dealing with Fistula can be physically and emotionally challenging. At Surgeryon, we prioritize your comfort, safety, and satisfaction. Our patient-centric approach ensures that you are involved in the decision-making process, and our team of doctors and staff will provide you with personalized care and support throughout your treatment journey.

Affordable Cost:

Surgeryon believes in making high-quality healthcare accessible to everyone. We offer transparent pricing with no hidden costs and work with you to ensure that the treatment fits within your budget, without compromising on the quality of care.

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Find Effective Relief from Fistula at Surgeryon

Don’t let Fistula disrupt your daily life any longer. Surgeryon is your trusted partner for advanced Fistula treatment in Mumbai. Our experienced surgeons, advanced treatment options, state-of-the-art facilities, patient-centric approach, and affordable cost make us the ideal choice for your Fistula treatment needs. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards finding effective relief from Fistula at Surgeryon.

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